Hey Beautiful Jerk invited me to help them create a papery world for Google's Small Thanks program. This Google tool utilizes existing customer Google reviews and highlights your best Google reviews by automatically creating a poster that you can print for your business, send in an email campaign, or even feature on your website in video format. The words and photos shown in this example video would be replaced wit ha person's business details as they sign up for the program. They are then genrated on the fly back into a new video that can be embeded on a business's webpage or social media.
It was refreshing, fun challenge to take a look at real origami and paper textures and transfer that look into a believable 3D form. After creating Several character designs my 3D paper creatures were rigged and masterfully animated by the very talented Kun-I Chang.
It was important to make each character feel like its own creature but at the same time make them feel liek they were made from the same multi colored paper. Same goes for every building or vehicle prop in the piece. These were some early renders that got us look approval. final looks and colors varied and some elements were removed because of time.
All images/media on this site are Copyright © 2023 of Andrew Hess and Hess Creative, Inc. Do not use without permission.